
Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Independent Mercenary

[Guide]Mengenai Independent Mercenary
Begitu mercenaries anda mencapai lvl 100, anda dapat membuatnya menjadi independent mercenaries melalui NPC Fugger

Untuk menjadi independent mercenaries, mercenaries yang diinginkan harus melepaskan semua equipment maupun item

Usia mercenaries tidak boleh lebih dari 50 tahun

Maksimal 10 Independent Mercenaries tiap ID, setelah menjadi Independent Mercenaries, anda tidak akan bisa menyewa mereka lagi

Independent Mercenaries Job:
- Adventurer = bertualang mencari harta berharga
- Gladiator = bertarung di arena gladiator
- Hunter = memburu binatang buruan
- Miner = mencari barang tambang

Setiap bulan Independent Mercenaries akan mengirimkan anda Mail (1 hari di dunia nyata) yang mungkin berupa request atau ucapan terima kasih. Jika kamu memenuhi permintaannya, Friendship kamu akan naik 1 point, tapi tidak bisa melebihi 100 point.

Hal penting untuk diingat jika kamu tidak memenuhi permintaannya, friendship kamu akan turun 2 point walaupun tidak turun lebih dari 1 point.

Independent Mercenaries akan pensiun jika umurnya lebih dari 60 tahun. Begitu dia pensiun, kamu tidak akan menerima mail dari dia lagi.

Tiap 6 bulan sekali (6 hari di dunia nyata), Independent Mercenaries Anda akan mengirimkan hadiah di mana Anda akan mendapatkan Item Mahal atau Item Rare untuk merekrut Mercenaries Grade B

Sangat penting untuk menjaga Friendship kamu karena jika Friendship Point kamu belum mencapai 100 point, sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan Item Rare untuk merekrut Mercenaries Grade B

Request yang diminta dan Hadiah yang dikirimkan tiap kali berbeda, tergantung dari Ratio antara Might dari Mercenaries dan tingkat Friendship kamu. Jadi, semakin tinggi Might dari Mercenaries kamu dan semakin tinggi Friendship kamu, kamu mendapat hadiah dalam jumlah besar begitu juga Requestnya hehehehe Big Grin

Independent Mercenaries Requests
1. Adventurer
High :
- Perfect Leather x200 (Fabric)
- Perfect Silk x200 (Fabric)
- Life Potion [III] x200 (Medicine)
Medium :
- Barley Bimbimbap x200 (Food)
- Simmered Carp x200 (Food)
- Mana Potion [III] x150 (Medicine)
- Machine: Search Robot VC1 x100 (Machine)
- Healing Potion [III] x150 (Medicine)
- Antidote [III] x50 (Medicine)
- Ornate Treasure Map x10 (Treasure Map)
Low :
- Book of Knowledge x100 (Book)
- Book of Wisdom x70 (Book)
- Book of Anguish x50 (Book)
2. Gladiator
High :
- Enchant Stone [III] x30 (Mana Stone)
- Assassin's Charm [I] x200 (Charm)
- Enhance Stone [III] x5 (Mana Stone)
Medium :
- Destroyer's Charm [I] x200 (Charm)
- Savior's Charm [I] x200 (Charm)
- Enchant Stone [III] x30 (Mana Stone)
- Enhance Stone [III] x5 (Mana Stone)
- Enchant Stone [III] x30 (Mana Stone)
- Growth Vial [III] x2 (Medicine)
- Platinum Ingot x200 (Mineral)
Low :
- Book of Knowledge x100 (Book)
- Book of Wisdom x70 (Book)
- Book of Anguish x50 (Book)
3. Hunter
High :
- Simmered Carp x200 (Food)
- Barley Bimbimbap x200 (Food)
- Adamantium Bullet x50 (Bullet)
Medium :
- Life Potion [III] x200 (Medicine)
- Healing Potion [III] x150 (Medicine)
- Mana Potion [III] x150 (Medicine)
- Mandragora x1 (Medicine)
- Adamantium Arrow x50 (Arrow)
- Adamantium Cannonball x50 (Cannonball)
- Hero's Blood x1 (Misc.)
Low :
- Book of Knowledge x100 (Book)
- Book of Wisdom x70 (Book)
- Book of Anguish x50 (Book)
4. Miner
High :
- Common Gunpowder x300 (Misc.)
- Sulfur x500 (Mineral)
- Nitroglycerin x100 (Mineral)
Medium :
- Coal x300 (Mineral)
- Simmered Carp x200 (Food)
- Oil x100 (Mineral)
- Small Diamond x20 (Mineral)
- Barley Bimbimbap x200 (Food)
- Big Slab of Lumber x100 (Wood)
- Machine: Siege Catapult x20 (Machine)
Low :
- Book of Knowledge x100 (Book)
- Book of Wisdom x70 (Book)
- Book of Anguish x50 (Book)

Independent Mercenaries Rewards
1. Adventurer
High :
- Culture Box (Gold Coins) x20 (Box)
- Ancient Golden City's Treasure Map x4 (Treasure Map)
Medium :
- Monster Egg x200 (Food)
- Ghost Mask x50 (Misc.)
- Evil Soul Extract x30 (Misc.)
- Culture Box (China) x3 (Box)
- Culture Box (Japan) x3 (Box)
- Culture Box (Southeast Asia) x3 (Box)
- Culture Box (India) x3 (Box)
- Culture Box (Southern Europe) x3 (Box)
- Culture Box (Egypt) x3 (Box)
- Culture Box (Chosun) x3 (Box)
Low :
- Colorful Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Shiny Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Rainbow Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Torn Pirate Flag x1 (Misc.)
2. Gladiator
High :
- Strength Refund Vial x10 (Medicine)
- Intelligence Refund Vial x10 (Medicine)
- Dexterity Refund Vial x10 (Medicine)
- Life Potion [IV] x100 (Medicine)
- Ambrosia x40 (Food)
- Vitality Refund Vial x10 (Medicine)
Medium :
- Freezing Equipment Box x5 (Box)
- Freezing Equipment Box x4 (Box)
- Freezing Equipment Box x3 (Box)
- Divine Equipment Box x3 (Box)
- Divine Equipment Box x2 (Box)
Low :
- Colorful Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Shiny Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Rainbow Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Old Spartan Shield x1 (Misc.)
3. Hunter
High :
- Healing Potion [IV] x200 (Medicine)
- Mana Potion [IV] x200 (Medicine)
- Elixir [IV] x200 (Medicine)
- Captured Sabretooth x200 (Summon)
- Captured Jaguar Golem x200 (Summon)
- Captured Lamp Ghost x200 (Summon)
- Small Marionette x3 (Misc.)
- Mysterious Vial: Valor x10 (Medicine)
- Mysterious Vial: Wisdom x10 (Medicine)
- Mysterious Vial: Death x10 (Medicine)
- Mandragora x10 (Medicine)
- Secret Material Chest x10 (Box)
Medium :
- Phoenix's Feather x5 (Misc.)
Low :
- Colorful Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Shiny Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Rainbow Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Davy Jones' Heart x1 (Misc.)
4. Miner
High :
- Enhance Stone [III] x30 (Mana Stone)
- Enhance Stone [III] x30 (Mana Stone)
Medium :
- Enhance Stone [III] x30 (Mana Stone)
- Multi-Hued Crystal Shard x20 (Crystal)
- Multi-Hued Jewel Shard x10 (Crystal)
- Enhance Stone [IV] x5 (Mana Stone)
- Enhance Stone [IV] x5 (Mana Stone)
- Multi-Hued Crystal x10 (Crystal)
- Multi-Hued Jewel x10 (Crystal)
- Large Diamond x4 (Mineral)
- Refined Mithril Ingot x2 (Mineral)
- Imitation Oriharukon x1 (Mineral)
Low :
- Colorful Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Shiny Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Rainbow Soul Stone x1 (Crystal)
- Feather of the Oath x1 (Misc.)

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